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Page 1: Prerequisites

This topic contains the following sections:

Tiny Ember+

This tutorial will show working code that can be copy-pasted into a console application, which can then be used to connect to Tiny Ember+. Tiny Ember+ is a part of the Ember+ SDK, which can be downloaded from the Ember+ Releases Page.

Download sapphire.EmBER and open it in Tiny Ember+.

Note Note

Please keep Tiny Ember+ running throughout this tutorial.

The fully expanded tree should look like this:

Tiny Ember Plus Tree

The code shown in this tutorial requires references to the Lawo and Lawo.EmberPlusSharp assemblies. You can either reference these assemblies directly or pull the source code of the associated projects into your solution and add project references. Please see Releases on how to obtain the assemblies or the source code.

Proceed to Page 2: Introduction.